The Beauty of Summer Daylilies
by Amy Dundon
The Beauty of Summer Daylilies
Amy Dundon
Photograph - Photograph
The Beauty of Summer Daylilies: featuring a close up photographic art image of a red daylily in my North Carolina summer garden. This image was captured with a Lensbaby Velvet 85 providing a beautiful glowing bokeh background. Enjoy!
The Beauty of Summer Daylilies is available in several high quality, professional formats including fine art prints, posters, canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, wood prints, and tapestry. The image is also available in several home decor and lifestyle items.
October 3rd, 2020
Comments (30)
Janet Marie
Congratulations, for the Homepage Feature, in the Art Group, "FOR THE LOVE OF FLOWERS" for Friday, 01/08/2021! You are welcome to submit your featured artwork in the Group's discussion thread “2021 Thanks & Features Archive Flower PHOTOGRAPHY ONLY!" Thank you for sharing your unique flower photography and being a member of the group. like/fave