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Powerful Clouds over Lake Norman Metal Print

by Amy Dundon

Product Details
Powerful Clouds over Lake Norman metal print by Amy Dundon. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of a metal print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 1/16" thick aluminum. The aluminum sheet is offset from the wall by a 3/4" thick wooden frame which is attached to the back. The high gloss of the aluminum sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results.
Design Details
Powerful Clouds over Lake Norman by Amy Dundon: I captured this image of dramatic clouds at McGuire Nuclear Station on Lake Norman in North Carolina... more
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Comments (54)
Artist's Description
Powerful Clouds over Lake Norman by Amy Dundon: I captured this image of dramatic clouds at McGuire Nuclear Station on Lake Norman in North Carolina before a stormy night. I added paint filters for artistic interest to the image. Enjoy!
Lake Norman is the largest man-made lake in North Carolina with 520 miles of shoreline! The lake was created by Duke Energy to power the generators at the hydroelectric station at Cowans Ford Dam for use by McGuire Nuclear Station.
Thank you FAA administrators for featuring this image in the following groups:
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Just perfect
Please note that the watermark will not print on purchased products.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All photographs shown are the property of Amy Dundon Photography. The images may not be reproduced, manipulated, or used in any way without written permission. Images are protected by Pixsy.
About Amy Dundon

Artist & Occupational Therapist Amy studied art (drawing, painting) and photography in high school and in college. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Design and worked for many years as a graphic designer for a real estate company and then a design, print, and mail company. During that time Amy went back to school and obtained a Master of Occupational Therapy degree. She currently works full time as an occupational therapist in a school system but is reigniting her love for art and photography mixed together with her interest in gardening, flowers, nature, and animals. Amy wants to share her favorite images with you! Thank you for visiting. Please note that the watermark will not print on purchased products....
Amy Dundon
Thank you for the feature in our FAA group Just perfect!
Jurgen Lorenzen
Beautiful, dramatic composition, Amy!
Kathi Isserman
CONGRATULATIONS! This AMAZING image has been FEATURED on the home page of "SHOWCASING THE SOUTH” L. Thank you for participating in the group. Please add the photo to the 2022 “FEATURED IMAGE ARCHIVE THREAD.” Thank you for participating in the group.
Svitozar Nenyuk
Amazing and beautiful work! L/F
Allen Beatty
Lovely !!
Andrew Cottrill
Joan Stratton
Great capture :)
Lisa Lindgren
Sandra Clark
Sandi Kroll
Mary Lynn Giacomini
Dramatic and moody clouds .....stunning capture Amy!
Gary F Richards
Truly spectacular! Outstanding capture and excellent artwork! F/L
Nadezhda Bogomolova
Wonderful artwork! I love the play of blue and yellow!
Angelo Marcialis
Well seen presentation.
Robert Tubesing
A wonderful image.
Delphimages Photo Creations
Leif Sohlman
sharing on FB
College Mascot Designs
fantastic sky and clouds
Peggy Collins
Bentley Davis
beautiful work Amy!
Az Jackson
Grace Iradian
Gorgeous dramatic image
Robert McAlpine
Wonderful image