Choose Your Path

by Amy Dundon
Choose Your Path
Amy Dundon
Digital Art - Photograph, Digital Painting From Photograph
Choose Your Path by Amy Dundon: featuring the bottom of the steps to walk and see the magnificent view from Chimney Rock. There are three different paths to choose for the adventure. Chimney Rock State Park is noted for a large granite outcropping located on a summit above the village in Rutherford County near Lake Lure. It is 500 steps to walk to the granite outcropping or you can take a 26 story elevator to the top. The Last of the Mohicans movie had several filming locations at the park. Enjoy the beauty of nature.
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COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All photographs shown are the property of Amy Dundon Photography. The images may not be reproduced, manipulated, or used in any way without written permission. Images are protected by Pixsy.
May 4th, 2019